200 hour yoga teacher training

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga · Tantra · Art · Shamanism

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training: about the course

From individual to collective.

Kaula Tantra Yoga is a holistic cosmovision which contains not only asanas, but also, includes arts, medicine and sexual energy work, to form the tantric way of life.

In Durga’s Tiger School ® of Tantra Yoga Arts and Shamanism we teach different approaches to work on the physical body, plus is an experienced based training so we can live and lead a tantric lifestyle.

The traditional form of Kaula Tantra Yoga was transmitted face-to-face by Bhagavan Shanmuka Anantha Natha. It is unique because it changes not only the physical, but impacts the psychological, emotional, energetic and spiritual realms as well.

We work with asanas, kundalini, chakras, bandhas, pranayama, mudras yantras and mantras.

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training: the approach

In the first 200 hrs you get in contact with an experience based access to a Yoga Teacher Training. You start a path into a not aim orientated but a magical way to live your live. You enter a transformation process with ancient practices, that have been secret for hundreds of years.


You will learn how to be a co creator of your own live. In the first 4 weeks the main focus is to understand this different approach to be not only a teacher of asanas, but a holistic being teaching sacred practices to free ourselfes and so future students from the prison of old habits and patterns in a playful way of approaching reality.


Kaula Tantra Yoga is rooted in Uttara Shaivism, or Kashmiri Shaivism, one of six Śiva traditions.

Students approach the asanas from a place of relaxation, care, and love for themselves.

Tantra Yoga facilitators approach students as whole human beings and support to unify body mind and soul. Their priority is to hold a space of self-acceptance, with a clear guidance support your process.

The perfect asana doesn’t exist; it is perfect how it appears today in my body. It changes with the change in consciousness growing into the arquetype of the asana.


Durga´s Tiger Yoga Teacher Training for couples:

Experience the secrets of tantric-yogic rituals

Javier: To come here is a great experience for us as a couple. I take so many powerful moments and fun moments…There is a lot of great energy and beauty in the place, in the other students, in the teachers, it is very inspirational.

Franciska:  It is a very safe space. I dive deep into my heart and the heart of my partner. I take the ability to express how I am and how I feel with my partner. And that I am ok as I am.


More and more often we have couples participating in our training.

As it is a tantric school, our techniques move sexual life energy, so that couples start to rediscover themselves as individuals being in a couple relationship. It rejuvenates love, learning about heartful communication, tantric massages and how I can recreate my feeling of love, becoming master of my energy movement. It is freeing to understand on a holistic base, that I am responsible for my own experiences

Blockages can melt, patterns can be identified with love, so that you can let them go. Freedom and love become two poles, dancing with each other. 

Are you curious, to learn about this path? 

Then this Tantric Yoga Teacher Training if for you

200 hour yoga teacher training

Energetical Choreography

Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training course follows a very elaborate and proven energy choeography to guide and accompany you through a beautiful and challenging process of personal exploration and experience.


  • daily: morning meditations and kaula tantra yoga classes
  • Once a week – 1/2 hours blocks of: Pranayama class, Mantra and sacred songs class, Durga’s Tiger Dance class, Psycology of Chakras class
  • Once a week – 3 / 4 hours blocks of:  Applied tantric philosophy class, Intuitive Anatomy class, another yoga form such as partner yoga, acro yoga or hatha yoga, Arts class or Shamanism class
  • Weekly community experiences: Karma yoga, Taking stick, Heart to heart communication

ecuador 2023

200 hour yoga teacher training: in person

Course of 4 weeks (28 days)

  • Complete teacher training with YAI and YA certification.
  • Accommodation in double or triple room.
  • 3 vegetarian meals per day.

Dates 2024:

  • January 14th – February 10th 2024
  • Feb 18th – Mar 16th 2024
  • Mar 31st – Apr 27th 2024
  • May 5th – Jun 1st 2024
  • Jun 16th – Jul 13th 2024
  • Jul 21st – Aug 17th 2024
  • Sep 1st – Sep 28th 2024
  • Oct 13th – Nov 9th 2024
  • Nov 17th – Dec 14th 2024

Dates 2025:

  • Jan 12th – Feb 8th 2025
  • Feb 16th – Mar 15th 2025
  • Mar 30th – Apr 26th 2025
  • May 4th – May 31st 2025
  • Jun 15th – Jul 12th  2025
  • Jul 20st – Aug 16th 2025
  • Aug 31st – Sept 27th 2025
  • Oct 12th – Nov 8th 2025
  • Nov 16th – Dec 13th 2025

Tantra Bites

Reasons for practicing Kaula Tantra Yoga

Tantra Yoga Asanas are derived from the Vedas, the most ancient metaphysical knowledge available to man.

These asanas are designed for adepts to balance their intrinsic energy system (Prana) and to root themselves in Infinite Consciousness. Sincere practice leads adepts students to release deep-seated tension and fears,
and to express their true Selfhood from a place of Love and Freedom.

Ultimately, adepts experience a shift in identity and learn to view themselves and the other as a divine being. While this yoga naturally increases strength, flexibility, precision and health, this is not the primary focus.

Anna Wise, brain researcher, has found that in children during their day a play of meditative alpha,
analytical betha, relaxing delta and dreaming theta waves can be measured.
From school age, the brain becomes impoverished,
and the analytical betha waves of waking consciousness have almost completely taken
over the adult brain of the Western world.

We think linearly, logically, purposefully, and think we can control reality that way.
However, in moments of deep meditation, artistic impulses, brilliant ideas,
inspiring Aha! Moments and ecstasy, the brain vibrates in gamma waves – a harmonic symphony
in which all brain waves dance and play together.
“Awakened Mind” is what she calls this state, which has been the least explored.

This is exciting. Because our students tell of such peak
experiences during the Kaula Tantra Yoga session and the time of their retreat.
Brain research shows how the play of breath, voice and movement when using the techniques of holistic tantra and yoga path
support us to creatively shape our lives with confidence and personal power,
while our analytical mind alone, using mainly the beta waves,
only allows us to perceive a small fragment of reality.

The possibilities of human consciousness are deeper and wider.
The training of Durga’s Tiger School is built on these facts.