Tantra Yoga School

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga · Tantra · Art · Shamanism

In all our Yoga Teacher Trainings you can  participate for an immersion of 100 hrs just to enjoy and grow, or to stay connected or as ongoing education. We will give you a Durga´s Tiger School Certificate for it – an YA or YAI certificate for 100 hrs does not exist.


Fueled by Tantra Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation, Ritual, Dance, and Art you can enter into a new place within yourself where there is no space or time. In this way, we are able to manifest our intentions for the year to come. 
With these two weeks, you will not only leave with a fresh vision for the New Year but you are also eligible for continuing education credits acknowledged by Yoga Alliance – OR – as a school we would honor an additional 100hr certification. 
If you find that you have less time but would still like to participate in this powerful experience, ask about Yoga Retreats


The New Year vision 

In this sacred time when we pass from one cycle to the next, we will focus on creating a space where you can focus your intentions for the year to come. 

On the 31st of December we will say farewell to what has passed and welcome in what is to come. From this grounded space your visions may take root and take shape of wings with joy and lightness. 

**Additionally, there will be an optional plant medicine journey offered. This is an opportunity to heal with the essence of the jungle, walking with Yage in ceremony, supported by a healer who has been working with the plant spirit for over ten years.**


White Eagle from the Hopi says to the present worldwide situation:

“…And sing, dance, show resistance through art, joy, trust and love”.


Let´s do it – dive with us into this joyful transformation as an act of resistance.


Energetical Choreography

Each Tantra Yoga Teacher Training course follows a very elaborate and proven energy choeography to guide and accompany you through a beautiful and challenging process of personal exploration and experience.

ecuador 2024

100 hour yoga teacher training: in person

Typical daily schedule:

6:30 meditation

7:40 breakfast

9:30 – 12:30 morning class

13:00 lunch

16:00 – 19:00 afternoon class

19:10 dinner

20:30 – 22:00 night class (only twice or three times per week)