Tantra Yoga School

50 Hours YA Continuing Education

Yoga · Tantra · Art · Shamanism

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education

Our school is a Continuing Education school approved by Yoga Alliance. You are welcome to join 1 week of our international teacher trainings to get your 50 hours Continuing Education certificate.

All Registered Yoga Teachers in Yoga Alliance are asked to meet the Continuing Education (CE) requirements in order to maintain their Yoga Alliance credential(s). Please check the Yoga Alliance web page to know more.

Energetical Choreography

The beautiful thing about each training and retreat is that it follows a very elaborate and proven energy choreography to accompany and guide you in your beautiful but challenging process of personal exploration and experience.




An experience- oriented teacher training

  • Learn to include an intuitive, restorative and deeply meditative  approach into your yoga practice.
  • Unify body, mind, and spirit and learn how to integrate yoga and tantra into your daily life.
  • Immerse yourself in a transformative process in a beautiful, safe, and intimate learning environment.
  • Enjoy the opportunity to get in contact with shamanistic cosmovision and see its similarities with the spiritual Indian culture.
  • Celebrate life through ceremonies and rituals as well as mindful presence and connection

Main practices

  • Kaula Tantra Yoga.
  • Yogui heart to heart communication.
  • Nature Spirit Connection / Shamanism
  • Mantra Chant
  • Psychology oof Chakras
  • Art
  • Ritual Sweat Lodge
  • Applied tantric wisdom classes
  • Pranayama


50 hour Continuing Education training

Costs and inscription

  • Complete CE training with YA (Yoga Alliance) certification, accommodation in shared room and 3 meals per day included: 672€


  • 13 – 19 October 2024
  • 17 – 23 November 2024
  • 12 – 18 January 2025
  • 16 – 22 February 2025
  • 30 March – 15 April 2025
  • 15 – 21 June 2025
  • 20 – 26 July 2025
  •  12 – 18 October 2025
  • 16 – 22 November 2025