300 hour yoga teacher training

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga · Tantra · Art · Shamanism

300 hour yoga teacher training

“The mixture was perfect and I felt it as a dance between parallel universes. I can’t imagine one without the other.”

From Collective to spiritual.

In the first 200hrs you learn to teach the Kaula Tantra Yoga Session in a basic form. The focus lies in experimenting  the effects and changes inside yourself. Is a very personal process you go through. Going on with 100 hrs of training more for your 300hrs certificate the process starts to root inside of you, and you can feel the difference in your subtle bodies, too. You get more and more relaxed in your everyday life, becoming more conscious of what is happening to you.  You learn how you create your emotions and how to make decisions that help you to change towards the reality you want to experience. You learn how to melt personal patterns which are stopping you from living fully. 

Your evolve from the personal to the collective experience: 

Through the interaction with other students you start to see what are the general effects of this practice beyond your personal experience. You start to understand how many challenges you meet on your path are social problems manifesting through your education from childhood on. With this detached view onto yourself and your personal story you can break its power. As a teacher you get a deeper understanding of your students as holistic beings. 

You understand, too, the deeper reason behind creating rituals as there will be a deeper focus on these aspects of the Tantra yoga path. 

Until you really want to  connect with new practices you learn, you  have to do them at least 21 times to integrate them. So you practice the Kaula Tantra Yoga Sequence every day during the training. Staying longer, you will  deepen some of the other practices like mantra singing, chakra kundalini techniques  and ritual creation or Durga’s Tiger Dance. That  helps you to integrate them  easier into your everyday life. 

You become more aware about the depth of the different transformative tools and symbolic meanings of old knowledge, p.e. the tantric genesis: 

Energetical choreography, rituals and group sizes:

In the 200-hour course you start to learn KTY and experiment the effects and changes inside yourself. Is a very personal process.

In the 300 hour yoga teacher training, the process starts rooting in you, and you can feel the difference in your subtle bodies, getting more relaxed and so more conscious of what is happening to you.

Through the interaction with other students you start to see what are the general effects of this practice further from your personal experience.

Our 300-hour yoga teacher training group can host a maximum of 30 students,  in this way, we can keep it personal and be able to offer full attention and support to each student.

A day in life at Durga's Tiger School:

  • Morning meditation
  • Breakfast
  • Yoga Practice or practical learning
  • Lunch break
  • Afternoon session of theory, practical learning or Shamanism
  • Dinner
  • Applied tantric philosophy, mantra chanting, dancing or special arts events related to the course material

ecuador 2023

300 hour yoga teacher training: In person

Course of 42 days:

  • Complete teacher training with YAI and YA certification.
  • Accommodation in double or triple room.
  • 3 vegetarian meals per day.


Dates 2024:

Jan 14th – Feb 24th 2024
Feb 4th – Mar 16th 2024
Jun 16th – Jul 27th 2024
Jul 7th – Aug 17th 2024
Oct 13th – Nov 23rd 2024
Nov 3rd – Dec 14th 2024

Dates 2025

Jan 12th – Feb 22th 2025
Feb 2nd – Mar 15th 2025
Jun 15th – Jul 26th 2025
Jul 6th – Aug 16th 2025
Oct 12th – Nov 22th 2025
Nov 2rd – Dec 13th 2025

Tantra Bites

Tantric knowledge in every modern life

Extract from a speech given by Iris Disse in the Simon Bolivar Andean University 2014

Tantric Genesis

From the beginning of time there has existed only one creative force, and this force is feminine.

She began to move, to vibrate, Kali was born, the goddess of time.
She gave birth to the complete universe because creating was her pleasure.
She danced, and through her dance she formed the world, the stars, the sun,
the seas, the earth, the planets and the animals, and she was filled with happiness.

Then Kali divided herself so that she wouldn’t be alone.
She became the feminine being and from her other half she created the masculine form, Shiva.

Together, they shared and explored their pleasures.

Together they created the first human beings, man and woman; and they
gave them tantric rituals so that they could participate in the bliss and
strength of the cosmic illumination and become one on the other side of time and space.

This is how it’s written in the Tantras

What does Genesis tell us?

· The sacred goddess is a unit and it gives her pleasure to create.
While dancing, the world was created from an abundance that the goddess
wants to share. Since everything in the world is from the goddess, everything that exists is sacred.

· The masculine and feminine are two poles that exist to learn and celebrate the
positive tensions that allow us to define ourselves and find the differences
between us. We are here to explore what gives us pleasure.

·  The tantric path gives power to the person that follow it and arrives to the stateof illumination.

· It is the spiritual path that includes sexuality as a sacred force.

· The thermometer to determine if you’re on the path is your personal happiness.
Since the goddess has created the universe in order to be happy, you become
closer to her if you’re able to live your everyday life happily.

· Tantra is not a religion, an institution, a dogma or a church. Tantra is a path that
can adapt itself to any creed; you can discover through it a higher level of consciousness.
It is a deeper understanding of religion that each person practices.

A short introduction


Shiva, Shakti and the Antipodes

Shiva is the God that represents Pure Consciousness and Shakti is the Goddess
that embodies the Dynamic Power, the energy that is the origin of all.

This active and divine feminine figure is the principal characteristic of Tantra.
Her name, Shakti comes from the Sanskrit root “Sak” that means “The being
capable of doing; having the force of acting.” Shakti is the real energy that
encompasses all that is possible.
As the Tantric scholar Sammohana says,
without Shakti the world can’t exist. Without Shiva, true knowledge can’t be achieved.
Therefore, both should be worshipped.

In the Vijñána Bhariava Tantra you can read:

One who accesses Shakti understands the non-distinction between Shiva (the consciousness)
and Shakti (the energy) and passes through the door to access the Divine.
As he recognizes the illuminated space by the rays of the sun,
he also recognizes Shiva thanks to the energy of Shakti, the essence of Shiva herself.

Tantra: the network of our reality

The Tantra World is very complex; it is a complete, ancient vision of the cosmos.
The principal elements found in Tantra have origins in the religion of Indian territories dating back as far as 5,000 years ago.

The Tantras are sacred written texts whose authors are mostly unknown.
It is said that they are derived from divine sources. They speak to us in the form of dialogue,
where Shiva speaks to Shakti and Shakti to Shiva.
There is a tantric art, the tantric sciences research atoms, sound, alchemy,
astronomy, astrology and texts regarding divine principles.

The root of the word tantra comes from Sanskrit and it means network.
It refers to the making of many patches of fabric and then weaving them together.
From the Eastern perspective, this entire patchwork would be seen as the entire universe where everything is connected
and communicating, where nothing exists independently and where everything is a part of the same reality.

With the same meaning of the word fabric, but referring to philosophic knowledge,
the Buddhists and Hindus recognize the term ‘Tantra’ as the teachings of the fundamental theories.
Practices of this path are known as Tantra Yoga.
The syllable “Tan” also means to extend, continue and develop, expressing the idea of maintaining a tension
or extending something to its limit. The syllable “Tra” means tool.

So Tan-Tra is more than a philosophy; it is a tool for expansion and liberation.
In the tantric tradition, there exist two fundamental lines.
The first line is called “the right-hand –path or Dakschima Marga. It is the newer and more conservative of the two lines
and is underlined with meditation, austerity and devotion.
Within this line of practice, the creative energy of the universe is considered to be limitless but sexual energy is
considered limited. Mainly in the highest cast, the cast of the Brahmans,
they often censured the ancient texts to teach preservation by way of sexual abstinence and purity.

Hence, this line of thought proposes asceticism and when the sexual union
is mentioned it is always referred to in a symbolic way, as a mystic union of a man and Shakti, the interior goddess.
The left-hand-path or Vama Marga encompasses a wide variety of
psychophysical practices, ranging from respiratory control pranayamas,
energetic locks called Bandhas and Mudras, Asanas, and the sexual act
Maithuna that is used to reach higher levels of consciousness.

Many elements are shared by both practices.
The way of the left hand is of interest to those who want to develop and widen their relationship with their partner.
In the tantric sexuality, passion and a meditative attitude unite while desire and consciousness awaken
and develop spiritual unity.